Friday, September 15, 2006

Still no word...

I'm starting to feel like a bastard at a family reunion-no call backs still :O

I found 3 more job leads and sent resumes in. I sound good on paper at least so I am hoping for at least one interview before they turn me away!

I did get one callback from a company, then when I heard what the detailed job entailed and found out that it had been robbed twice this year I declined. Although it is sounding good right about now.


The Persian said...

You got me curious, what sort of position would you be applying to that get's robbed? A Bank?

Love that intro line, "bastard at a family reunion" lol I'll have to use it sometime.

Have a great weekend Jeff :)

DEREK said...

best of luck buddy, someone will be lucky to get you! Don't hit that red button yet!