Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New car fever won out

I looked at a 2006 Volkswagen Toureg and really liked it. It had a lot of the luxury extras but had higher mileage and I started thinking about the cost of repairs etc. I started thinking about new cars and thought I'd give it a try but didn't think I could find anything I would like in my price range. My credit is less than perfect but I found out that it was much better than I had feared.

I had always been intrigued with the Toyota Prius so I drove over to the Toyota dealer and gave it a shot. I was approached by the "typical" salesman. I'm not saying that is a bad thing, but I wasn't in the mood for a schmoozing. I politely told him I used to be a Realtor and I didn't need him to sell himself and that I had researched the car and we could both save time by just getting down to the numbers. I gave him my final numbers and said I will not budge..period. Since my Dad is taking my car I didn't have to do the trade in tango.

I was pleasantly surprised that the deal only took about 30 minutes and the finance took about 10 minutes. Then he wanted to go over the features of the car. I said I'm a technical person and had driven the car for a few hours and played with the buttons and figured most of them out and that I had only a few questions. He answered them while they detailed the car and gassed it up.

Overall it was a good experience as compared to some of the car purchases I've had in the past. It gets 51mpg and has a bunch of bells and whistles that I love. I know it looks like a turtle but I'm happy with it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Vintage Packaging

I found this earlier - someone's Flickr page with pictures of vintage packaging pictures

Monday, March 29, 2010

Crazy weekend

Rick got attacked and mugged Friday. We spent 7 hours in the emergency room and after all the tests the ER let us go. He has a concussion and is black and blue all over.
He tried to do too much today and got dizzy-he is stubborn and I can't get him to lie down too long.

We found out later that someone else was attacked in the same manner on the same night a few blocks away-same description of the attacker. I hope they catch him before someone gets killed. Rick was lucky, the guy had a knife but didn't use it. He kicked Rick with his heel on the face, head and chest. Thankfully nothing was broken and his teeth are fine.

He might go to his regular doctor tomorrow to see if this dizziness from today is normal.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Four eyed salt or pepper shaker

I found this at a thrift shop years ago for a quarter and for some reason I was thinking about it today. I looked online to see if I could find any information about her but didn't find anything. The two sets of eyes and eyebrows on a salt and pepper shaker doesn't make sense to me! I've always been curious of what the mate might look like.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

A single sheet of paper

Amazing artwork!

One example: