Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Moving day approaches...

It will be interesting to move again. I have rarely moved in my life. This will be the 4th time.

The last move was an odd one since I was leaving behind a lot of stuff. I was so ready to get out I didn't take everything I should have and a lot of it is still in boxes in my garage. I moved into an apartment that was about the size of my master closet on my last house! The new house is a decent size, so it will be so nice to stretch out.

The other major advantage I'll be gaining is privacy. I live upstairs in a 4-plex that I own. My tenants are really good, but the usual noises abound. I can hear them and they can hear me. If I get the urge to vacuum at 3AM I will now be able to!

I have always been the kind of person that knows exactly where everything is. I am still that way for the most part other than I will be sitting there thinking of something I haven't seen in awhile and then realize that I left it behind. I hate that. My ex, Paul, has been pretty nice about letting me get some of those things, but not all of them.

I decided a few weeks ago, to let it go and focus on the new things in my life and not look back. I have a lot to be thankful for. My friend Kristen sent me a nice email that helped me to re-focus and to look at things different. If you are reading this Kristen, if I didn't send a proper thank you, I am now! I got out of the relationship what mattered the most-my real friends, my sanity, and me. The rest can be replaced :)

And you thought a gallon of gas was expensive!

Wonder if this is true?

A roadrage solution? (Some language, not safe for work or if kiddoes are around)

Just when you think you have seen it all, you find something that proves you wrong!


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