Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Ice cream scoop & envelopes...

I had planned to take it easy yesterday playing catch up on some minor things around the house-but it didn't work out that way!

I was paying some bills online but when I got to my plumbing bill I needed an envelope. They were of course packed away! So in my search for the envelopes I ended up unpacking 6 boxes and organizing desk drawers, software and stray office flotsam.

Later on in the day I decided to have some ice cream. I couldn't find the ice cream scoop which was also packed away. I ended up unpacking 10 boxes of dishes and kitchen items in my search.

It felt nice when I finally got to my ice cream having all of that out of the way-I was able to sit down and watch a movie and do nothing.

Today I wanted to store some things in the storage shed, but it was a mess so I ended up cleaning and organizing it-which led to about 2 hours worth of work.

Besides that I did some laundry catch up, visited my parents and took it easy the rest of the evening. I hope everyone had a good Monday :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"stray office flotsam"?? I love that term! In my world, we affectionately label all that stuff, but its called "Kitchen sh*t" or "desk sh*t". I even have drawers assigned to it. LOL you're adorable.

=) kris