Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Never a dull moment

The plumber finally shows up and the water that he spotted under the house yesterday turned out to be a leaky sewer pipe-not the leak causing my meter to spin in high gear. Then he spends some more time searching, finds another tiny leak, but not enough to be serious. He gives me an estimate on these 2 repairs and I need smelling salts. And this doesn't even address the major leak.

He finally uses this t-bar rod and starts poking around the back yard looking for soft spots. After about a hour he finds an area that is heavily soaked about 2 feet down. It turned out that right next to it was a hole in the sewer drain and all that water was going straight into it instead of making a noticable water spot in the yard. I was so relieved. He patched in some new pipe and that made the meter calm down and my water pressure go up. It was higher than I thought, and I still have to repair the other 2 problems later, but I felt so much better.

Then we get a call that Rick's Mom is being taken by ambulance to the hospital. Turns out she has a highly contagious viral infection and we're told not to visit. The doctor was finally able to alleviate her intense pain and 104 degree fever, and her coloring is back-so hopefully she is on the mend.

Just as I was winding down from a stressful day, having ate and watched a movie, I get a call at midnight from another renter who tells me their heater is on, but they can't control the temperature. This sounds fun! I have to try to squeeze that in tomorrow when my day is already full.

Never a dull moment around here lately! At least I won't have to go Christmas shopping since I've spent my Christmas money on plumbing!!

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