Sunday, December 05, 2004

Weekend assignment...

A friend of mine on AOL sent me a link to a journal to check out. A feature on this journal is a "weekend assignment". A question he posts for all of us to answer. I think it is a great idea. Weekend Assignment #37

Weekend Assignment #37: We all know what our best personal quality is. What's your second-best personal quality?

Extra Credit: Note a personal quality you wish you had more of.

I had never thought of this before so it took me awhile to ponder at it. My second best quality I would have to say is being non-judgemental. I was raised around family members that would joke or kid around about people that were different. From the moment I could understand what they were saying I always felt that it was wrong.

If I see someone who looks different, acts different, dresses different, has an alternate lifestyle, etc. I do not immediatly judge them based on this. I like this quality in myself. I have met many wonderful people over the years from being non-judgemental.

Extra Credit: The quality I wish I had more of is self control/willpower. I have wanted to quit smoking and just can't quite let it go. If there is chocolate around the house I'm going to eat it NOW! If I'm out shopping and I see something that I want but know that I really don't need-80% of the time I will buy it. This is my least favorite quality of myself and I fight it everyday.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend :)

1 comment:

Karen Funk Blocher said...

I love your second-best quality, and I share the lack of willpower! Good luck on the smoking one - I hope you beat it someday.

I'm going to have to add you to my links to keep up with you. See you again (well, not you but your words) soon!
