Friday, January 28, 2005

Second coat and another clog...

Even though it was colder outside than the directions suggested, we went ahead and put down the second coat on the floors. The directions on the can said it would only effect the drying time, so I wasn't too worried.

We got a bit of rain during the morning and most of the day. It has turned to snow now, there is a blanket of it outside. A few days ago it was warm enough for the air conditioner! I think this up and down temperature is what made me start feeling sick. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and it has progressed to body aches.

The plumbing probems must not have been a big deal, the plumber came and went while I was out and when I got back it was all fixed. Then when I get home from doing the floors there is a message on my machine-a different unit in this same building has a clogged washer drain!!!

I joked with Rick earlier saying that I either needed to learn to be a plumber or marry one-not thinking it was as funny as I did, he said that the second option would be cheaper! He doesn't appreciate my sense of humor, but at least he isn't pouting anymore! The only thing he said about my apology card/chocolates was when he pulled the chocolates out of his backpack the next day: "these chocolates are addicting". Hmmm, I guess I'll take that as his apology/acceptance of my apology?!!

Check out the amazing photography of Zenia Le.

I'm going to swig on my nyquil bottle and dream of a cheap plumbing bill-I hope everyone has a good weekend :)

1 comment:

Zenia said...

Thanks for the link!

I wanted to write to you privately but couldn't find an e-mail address. My boyfriend and I have been geocaching for less than two months and it's been really great (nice break and gets us out of the house). Good luck with your first geocache. Try a ghost first, those are usually the easiest.

P.S. We got the house! :)